Ivermectin is not the Cure for the World's Woes! - part 2

Ivermectin is not the Cure for the World's Woes! - part 2
Oh, sorry, it's Ivermectin I can't mention and not Iversen.
So what is infotainment warrior Kim up to these days, and what is wrong with that?
The continuing evolution toward rightwingnutterism is the answer to the first question, and everything is the answer to the second.
But regarding the most important matter of the day, the existential event that is the war in Ukraine, she is hardly alone - the appropriately-named Rage Against the War Machine rally shows the anti-war movement as defined by that (essentially leftist) has absolutely no chance of success.
And that is as declared by they themselves, by where they so openly and clearly have drawn their red line.
Idiots, simply idiots...