Meanwhile, Here On Earth - Robert Young - 03.06.23

Meanwhile, Here On Earth - Robert Young - 03.06.23
This week on "Meanwhile, Here On Earth," my guest will be Robert Young, attorney, author, private pilot, and serious student of the UFO/UAP subject.
Among other things, we're going to be talking about his journey across America in his two seater airplane after life dealt him some tough cards to play.
His just published book is titled "Vagabond Pilot: A Journey of Discovery and Renewal".
Of particular interest to me and many others here, are Bob's ideas regarding the Roswell Incident from a lawyer's point of view, and more.
A side note.
Robert Young and Peter Robbins were neighbors and friendly acquaintances growing up three blocks away from each other on the same street in the Village of Rockville Centre, New York.
They attended the same schools, knew members of each other's family's, and shared some of the same dreams coming of age at that time and place.