NIGHT SHADOWS 03242023 -- WW3 and The Fall of Mankind

NIGHT SHADOWS 03242023 -- WW3 and The Fall of Mankind
Do they have a case against Trump or is this just the communists attempt to get rid of Trump once and for all?
We will soon find out, most likely NEXT WEEK as things have been delayed.
Then we have the North Korea nuclear threat and reports of our naval forces moving into the Pacific.
Meanwhile Putin appears to be getting ready for all out nuclear war with the West.
China continues her threats and is rapidly building her war machine.
Then we have the Sun anomalies that continue to grow more intense, along with earthquake and volcanic activity.
More and more UFO reports and odd creature sightings continue as the paranormal world intrudes upon our Universe.
Then the question concerning who was behind humanities depravity, the FALL or FALLEN ANGELS and more on tonight's NIGHT SHADOWS...