Preparing for Passover — Self-Reflection

Preparing for Passover — Self-Reflection
While most Christians are preparing for Easter, nevertheless there are those Christians who are still following the example of the apostle John and his disciples Polycarp and Polycrates.
In holding fast to the faith delivered once and for all time to the saints, these Christians are following Paul's advice to the Corinthian gentiles to 'examine yourself' before observing the Passover.
So why should we examine ourselves/ How is this relevant to our life as followers of Christ?
And why is it especially important to examine or reflect upon our life as servants of Christ before we take the symbols of the bread and the wine?
Paul was concerned that the Corinthian Greek brethren would be missing out on some of God's blessings if they did not examine themselves and appreciate the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as they should.