4 IRON MIND STRATEGIES by (Andrew tate)

4 IRON MIND STRATEGIES by (Andrew tate)
Regardless of your fundamental beliefs, there are four essential elements of many ways of being that you must master-preferably in your youth-in order to live the life you want to live.
These four essential ways of being are: Believing you are THE MAN or THE WOMAN, even if you're not the man yet, walking through life with confidence makes life a whole lot better than if you should walk without confidence.
The second is to use strong emotions such as anger, love, fear, and desire to achieve the life that YOU want to live.
The third is to understand that only you can give yourself the life that you want, especially if you were born or living in a first-world country there is little to nothing holding you back.
Lastly, there is the fourth element, which is to mean what you say.
How can you live a life without honor and integrity for yourself, a life where the word released for your mouth has no meaning?
Learn to use your language carefully and MEAN WHAT YOU SAY.
With these four essential elements, you will become a person worth being and live a life worth living.