Small Business Struggling Under Government Boot--By Design: Small Biz CEO

Small Business Struggling Under Government Boot--By Design: Small Biz CEO
Small businesses across the nation are being smothered by regulations and taxes at all levels of government—and this appears to be by design—according to ShelfAware CEO Andrew Johnson.
Speaking to The New American magazine's Alex Newman in this episode of Conversations That Matter, Johnson explains that overregulation and over-taxation of small and medium businesses are put in place by politicians colluding with Big Business.
"We are wildly overtaxed and over-regulated," he said.
"You take all the risk, and you get very little of the upside.
Any policies from D.C.
Have just ended up as a disaster for small businesses." Ultimately, it will have to "end abruptly," he said, as most Americans do not see these problems or get involved in the process.