Global Outbreak Preparedness

Global Outbreak Preparedness
A look at the coordinated steps taken to prepare the planned leak of a frankenvirus from the CCP controlled Wuhan Lab of Virology (a Level 4 bioweapons lab, funded in part by Anthony Fauci through the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID)), and to plan a successful roll out of an mRNA gene mutation masquerading as a vaccine to be forced on everyone and generate trillions of dollars.
Of course there's the added benefit derived from an enforced lockdown, also built into the Event 201 simulation in Oct.
In the US alone, over one million small businesses closed down permanently, consolidating the power and increasing the market share of the largest corporations in the United States.
Many of the wealthiest Americans got wealthier and the killshot has grossed over one trillion dollars globally while there are massive unexplained spikes in the mortality rates of many other conditions.
The world is currently witnessing a growing wave of sudden, unexplained deaths, heart attacks in healthy men in the prime of their lives and even children, an increase in miscarriages and infertility.
The Nov.
2022 book Cause Unknown by former Blackrock equity portfolio manager and hedge fund guru Edward Dowd outlines several of these cases.