Trump Is Indicted. The Justice System Is A Sham. | Ep. 1141

Trump Is Indicted. The Justice System Is A Sham. | Ep. 1141
Today on the Matt Walsh Show, Democrats wage an actual war on democracy by finally indicting their chief political rival Donald Trump.
This outrageous witch-hunt is yet more evidence that the justice system is a sham in this country.
Meanwhile, DeSantis has pledged not to cooperate with any extradition request.
Should Trump then throw down the gauntlet and refuse to surrender?
Also, speaking of assaults on democracy, leftist militants have staged two insurrections at two different state capitols in just the last 24 hours.
And a trans activist goes on MSNBC to explain why God "made him trans." Plus, a scientist warns that AI might become super intelligent and wipe out all life on earth.
Do we need to add that to our list of worries?