False Light, Donnie Darkened - Canary Cry Radio 156

False Light, Donnie Darkened - Canary Cry Radio 156
At the time of recording, we are mere hours since it was first announced that Donald Trump has been indicted.
While many people are either in joyful glee, or outrage over the egregious abuse of the legal system, others are suggesting this is just another brick in the wall of deception being formed to lead sincere people away from the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Back in 2016, I published a video clickbaitingly titled “Is Donald Trump the Antichrist?” on the now terminated Facelikethesun YouTube channel.
After hundreds of thousands of view, and tens of thousands of comments, it seemed clear that most folks didn’t think he was.
Afterall, how can the only politician going AGAINST the deep state be the man of sin?
But the video wasn’t exactly claiming that Trump WAS the prophesied antichrist, but rather a way to bring many people interested in such a question to actually study the Word and see what it says the man of sin will ACTUALLY DO.