The Grave Could Not Hold Him On The Day That Jesus Christ Arose!-NOW THE END BEGINS.COM-APRIL 9 2023

The Grave Could Not Hold Him On The Day That Jesus Christ Arose!-NOW THE END BEGINS.COM-APRIL 9 2023
In 1976, Baptist preacher S.M.
Lockridge was attending a Bible conference in Detroit, he was not on the program as a speaker.
When there unexpectedly appeared a 'hole' in the preaching roster, Lockridge was asked if he would fill in and preach, like anyone who is called to preach should be able to do, with no advance preparation.
He, of course, said he'd be glad to, and the message he gave that day was entitled 'The Indescribable Christ', you and I know it as the incredible 'That's My King!' sermon.