Late Night with Ed Money Show #650

Late Night with Ed Money Show #650
This new show has a great guest Geoffrey Street from the ShufflePod Podcast Show.
He has great sense of humor and didn’t be afraid to hold back on the great jabs and laughs.
We talk about hiding stuff from yourself and then forgetting where you hid it, going into how the guest feels I should get rid of the stuffed animals from my bed!
Geoffrey says he is on a dating site and ends with a story of how I need a wingman when I go out to the bars.
New Tunes Thursday with a song from Andain – “Beautiful Things”.
Don’t forget to help us out by donating on Podomatic and Patreon Channels at and at .
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Remember to check out collaborators of the show which has sexy leggings and the models are great also.
You’ll see the details on the Twitter feed don’t forget to subscribe on the I-tunes as well.
Look on my twitter feed for details on them and we ask all musicians to consider creating a theme for the show!!!
Remember to check out the new Youtube Channel, “Late Night with Ed Money” for the updates and product reviews.
Thanks for supporting the show!
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