Tucker Carlson Axed/Crowder V Candace🗑️ Again/Biden Has The Runs | The Whiskey Capitalist | 4.26.23

Tucker Carlson Axed/Crowder V Candace🗑️ Again/Biden Has The Runs | The Whiskey Capitalist | 4.26.23
Tucker Carlson, the most watched political commentator across all cable news television, has just been fired by Fox News.
Looks like Fox News is pulling a Bud Light.
We have a bunch of information and opinions on this for you.
Also, Don Lemon was let go…like anyone cares or is surprised.
We have alot to cover on this as there is a bevy of reasons why he should’ve been canned.
Steven Crowder is in the middle of alot of negativity from his recent accusations from ex-3rd chair comedian, Dave Landau, as well as an ongoing divorce from his long time wife and mother of this children, and also Candace Owens opening her big fat mouth and inserting herself into Crowder’s divorce drama even though she “doesn’t do drama”.
If you remember, she was one of the most annoying and outspoken enemies during the Crowder V Daily Wire debacle.