Live Stream Humorous Smart Shopping Advice for Friday 20230428 Best Item vs Price Daily Big 5

Live Stream Humorous Smart Shopping Advice for Friday 20230428 Best Item vs Price Daily Big 5
Live Stream today Friday.
Great fresh advice DAILY on how to examine a product before buying and even learning how not to buy items you like!
Fun, Easy Going, and Humorous Shopping Talk using One Day Deals Friday 2023 04 28 at BIG 5 Sporting Goods.
TODAY'S PRODUCTS to DISCUSS {beach wagon, women's running shoes and socks, massager, air mattress, men's running shoes shorts, speakers, sun canopy, flip flops/slides, swimming pool, beach shade, power bank, mens hiking boots, military backpack, butane stove, white shoes, casual (old man) shoes, pickleball/pingpong paddle, weights, skate shoes.} Just a quick rundown of the items and a Smart Shopper's review of the price point, the deal, and buying strategy.
Retire a few months early by making wise spending decisions.
Also comments about whether the Host has purchased the product before or would considering buying it and why.
That's what more than one Listener said about the earlier Review Sessions.
More real than HSN or QVC.
NEW and IMPROVED with some side by side comparisons of Weekly Ad deals that pale in comparison to Daily Deals.