Live Stream Humorous Smart Shopping Advice for Sunday 20230528 Best Item vs Price Daily Big 5

Live Stream Humorous Smart Shopping Advice for Sunday 20230528 Best Item vs Price Daily Big 5
Live Stream today Sunday.
Great fresh advice DAILY on how to examine a product before buying and even learning how not to buy items you like!
Fun, Easy Going, and Humorous Shopping Talk using One Day Deals Sunday 2023 05 28 at BIG 5 Sporting Goods.
TODAY'S TALK {8ft Umbrella Good, Screen House, Expensive Under Armour LOGO Cap, Expensive Shoe, RedWhiteBlue Eagle Floatie, 12ft Inflate Pool, Wimpy Sleeping Bag, 6ppl Tent, 1000Lumen Headlamp, 17" Griddle, 150qt Cooler, 3ppl?
Inflate Boat, Great Price Hiking Boots, Walking Pole, Horse Shoe Pillow, GREAT PRICE EarBuds, Badminton, Plastic Jug Speaker icky, Fleece Shorts Mens but Chicks wear them, Ping Pong Table, 'Soft' Golf Balls, Desert Service Boots, Knives, Ammo ...and so much more Click Bait!}