NAZI Germany Used Health Passports for its Extermination Program

NAZI Germany Used Health Passports for its Extermination Program
Adolf Hitler was the national socialist leader and Reich Chancellor of Nazi Germany.
During his horrific 12 year rule he was responsible for unleashing the bloodiest war to ever scourge mankind.
Like all good socialists, Hitler consolidated and sustained his power by killing anyone who opposed him.
That included the "laws" he passed to make it technically "legal" to carry out his crimes under the German law.
Among those were laws NAZI Germany under Hitler, under the disguise of "health passports," he used to carry out his Extermination Program.
Now at hindsight, we all know how "unlawful" those things he did during his 12 years reign, despite his attempt at legislative cover.
So, we have to really decide for ourselves what is truly lawful, and what are the laws dictators passed to give themselves cover.
Not everything "legal" is lawful.