"Real History with Melissa - Ep. 22 "No Artificial Heart" - June 15, 2023

"Real History with Melissa - Ep. 22 "No Artificial Heart" - June 15, 2023
Artwork and Music, Copyright David Marshak - Niagra Escarpment in Ontario, Canada; UNESCO Biosphere - Mega-Farming, Glyphosates - David is a Painter, His Wife a Herbalist, Three Children in Forest School - Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society; Johann Fichte on the True Purpose of Education - The Short-Lived Co-Op Bistro with Local Produce and Music - People Prefer to Look at the Bright Side Over Facing Reality - 9/11, Discovering Alan Watt's Work - David's Music; The Angry Period - David's Oil Paintings Featured in this Video - David's Songs "New Normal" and "Herd Behaviour" - Trades Paintings for Music Production - Drawnonward; A Group of Canadian Artists Travel Throughout Canada, Painting, Making Friends; the Inuit People - Song, "Artificial Heart"; Painting, "The Visitor" - Finnish Mother Father from New York, Russian Jewish and Pennsylvania Deutsch Heritage - Father's Summer Experience in the Heyday of the Folk Music Scene - Progression from Leftist Thinking (Canada's NDP - New Democratic Party) into a Deeper Understanding of Reality - Movies; Wariness of the Programming, Enjoy the Medium - 1984, Animal Farm and Brave New World, Required Reading/Viewing - Movie, The Secret of Roan Inish - Alan Watt's Christmas Compositions, "Hombre" from Christmas Day, 2008 and Alan's Photographs of Birds; "Hombre" and Bird Photography Copyright Alan Watt/CTTM.