Condemnation Of War But Not Russia, "Language" Takes Centre Stage As Ukraine Shadows Key Summits

Condemnation Of War But Not Russia, "Language" Takes Centre Stage As Ukraine Shadows Key Summits
Global tensions over Russia's invasion of Ukraine took centre stage at two international summits this week.
European, Latin American and Caribbean leaders gathered in Brussels and proclaimed increased cooperation, but the summit's final declaration didn't mention Russia, disappointing EU officials who wanted to denounce Russia's actions.
The final declaration, however, expressed "deep concern" about the ongoing war against Ukraine.
Latin American countries like Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela opposed text holding Russia accountable for the conflict.
French President Emmanuel Macron noted that all members, except Nicaragua, were critical of the war.
Caribbean leader Ralph Gonsalves defended the communique, emphasising the language of concern without explicitly naming Russia.
The G20 finance chiefs' meeting in India also ended without consensus on the Russia-Ukraine issue, with China and Russia objecting to certain paragraphs in the outcome document.