China reveals details about its plan to send astronauts on moon | Indepth With ILA I Oneindia News

China reveals details about its plan to send astronauts on moon | Indepth With ILA I Oneindia News
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China has for the first time unveiled details of its plans to land astronauts on the Moon by the end of the decade.
If successful, the mission would make China only the second country after the United States to have achieved the feat.
Here are the details that have been revealed for its manned lunar mission.
China will, most likely, send 3 astronauts for the mission.
Two of them are likely to travel on the lander to set foot on the moon, while the third would be piloting the command and service spaceship in lunar orbit.
China also aims to set up a research station to conduct systematic and continuous lunar explorations in the future.
The Chinese space agency is collaborating with Russia’s Roscosmos to build a joint moon base by the mid-2030s.
China has made major progress in its moon probes since launching its first orbiter, the Chang’e 1, in 2007.
The latest in the series, Chang’e 5, was launched in November 2020.
It landed a rover on the moon on December 1 that year and returned to Earth with 2kg of lunar soil two weeks later.
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