
REVELATION REDPILL WED EP22 Unlocking Mysteries of the 7 Churches & Urgent Prophetic Warning for TODAY!

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REVELATION REDPILL WED EP22 Unlocking Mysteries of the 7 Churches & Urgent Prophetic Warning for TODAY!

REVELATION REDPILL WED EP22 Unlocking Mysteries of the 7 Churches & Urgent Prophetic Warning for TODAY!

Jason Heydinger joins us tonight for an EXPLOSIVE episode as we explain the historical significance of Revelation chapters 2 and 3, while at the same time, applying the warnings to modern events every believer needs to heed in this hour.

We have previously discussed the meaning behind the seven golden candlesticks and sevenfold spirits before God's throne.

Now we will take deep dive into the hidden meanings of the letters written to the seven churches in a way you have probably never heard.

Christ's promises and warnings to the seven churches were a fantastic shift from how God dealt with his people in the Old Covenant.

Modern end times theology takes away from the beauty and necessity of each Christian to heed the warnings of this book.

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