Live Stream Humorous Smart Shopping Advice for Friday 20230728 Best Item vs Price Daily Big 5

Live Stream Humorous Smart Shopping Advice for Friday 20230728 Best Item vs Price Daily Big 5
Live Stream today, Friday.
Great fresh advice DAILY on how to examine a product before buying and even learning how not to buy items you like!
Fun, Easy Going, and Humorous Shopping Talk using One Day Deals Friday 2023 07 28 at BIG 5 Sporting Goods.
Also, Look at Some Home Depot Buys.
TODAY'S TALK {8x8 Canopy, 4ppl Tent, Twin & Queen Airbeds, 2 Burner Standup Stove, Exlnt Yard Beach Wagon, 16ft & 14ft Steel Pools, Gnd Shelter 8ft, Life Vest Wear It!, 1 Piece Swimsuit, Tramp, Pong Table, Ball Cleats & Gloves, Counter Water Purifier, 10x10 75$ Canopy, Wimp Sleeping Bags, Exlnt 20$ Hiking Shoes, Great DayPack, Park Chair, Cot Med Size 35$, Inflate Camp Pad 25$, Sports Bras-Women, Tennis Racket, Heavy Bag, 10ft Inflate Pool, Women Swim Tee, Lugz Shoe, Air Rifle, Knives, Ammo, ...and so much more Click Bait!}