Live Stream Humorous Smart Shopping Advice for Saturday 20230729 Best Item vs Price Daily Big 5

Live Stream Humorous Smart Shopping Advice for Saturday 20230729 Best Item vs Price Daily Big 5
Live Stream today, Saturday.
Great fresh advice DAILY on how to examine a product before buying and even learning how not to buy items you like!
Fun, Easy Going, and Humorous Shopping Talk using One Day Deals Saturday 2023 07 29 at BIG 5 Sporting Goods.
Also, Look at Some Home Depot Buys.
TODAY'S TALK {Exlnt 11$ Lawn Chair, Memory Pillow, Desert Boots, 2 Tier Table No freeking Dimensions!, kiddie Pool, Maui Flip Flops Exlnt 10$, 10x10 Canopy Good 75$, Wimp Sleep Bag, Odd Looking Life Vest, 1-2ppl Raft, Exlnt 25$, Complete Weight Bench, EXLNT 39$ Steel LadderBall!, Massage Dad Device, Rude Noise BasketBall Hoop, Great 6$ Steel Tumbler, Griddle, Tiny Fan 11$, Granddad Hip Finder, Tennis Racket, Sports Tape, Car Roof Bag, Good 45$ BB Gun, Knives, Ammo, ...and so much more Click Bait!}