Fresh&Fit Demonteized, New COVID-19, Liberals Hate the Working Man's Anthem, Attack on 2A, and More

Fresh&Fit Demonteized, New COVID-19, Liberals Hate the Working Man's Anthem, Attack on 2A, and More
Fresh & Fit have been demonetized on YouTube, causing a severe hit to their revenue streams. Let's take a look and see what is up.
Then it appears there is a new COVID-19 variant out there.
Amazingly, just in time to cause trouble before the 2024 election.
Let's look at what is being said about it.
And the song Rich Man From Richmond is the subject to hatred by liberals, let's find out why.
The 2nd Amendment is being attacked by Biden and Newsom, Biden calls for gun control while Newsom has introduced the 28th Amendment.
Come look at both and see what is said.
And finally Donald Trump isnt going to the GOP debates or maybe any, let's find out what his reasoning are.
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