Alex & Vic Mignogna Find the Next BlazeTV Idol | Ep 86

Alex & Vic Mignogna Find the Next BlazeTV Idol | Ep 86
We've got another wild show tonight on "Prime Time with Alex Stein" as Alex enlists world famous voice actor Vic Mignogna to help him find the next BlazeTV Idol.
Will White Darius or Big Darius take home the title?
We're joined by Conservative Ant, comedian and gay conservative icon, to talk about his experience in the conservative movement.
Josie Martinez, streamer and winner of Fishtank, to talk about her experience on the absurd reality show and what she's up to now that it's over.
Finally, we're having a glizzy competition between White Darius and Big Darius to see who can gobble the most glizzies.
We've got an action packed show tonight folks!