2 of 2 REVELATION REDPILL EP 27: Alfred Kinsey: The Man Who Sexualized America Part Two

2 of 2 REVELATION REDPILL EP 27: Alfred Kinsey: The Man Who Sexualized America Part Two
Tonight we continue the deep discussion of the dark Root of The Sexual Revolution & Its Ties to Modern Endtime Theory.
In a single year, as the breakout film Sound of Freedom informs, more than 22 million new images of child pornography were posted to the internet — an increase of 5,000 percent over the past five years.
The child slave trade has passed the illegal arms trade and will soon pass the drug trade.
In tonight's episode of the Revelation Red Pill we follow up on Margaret Sanger, Eugenics, and Population Control with an eye-opening, blistering expose of the man who ushered in, not only the sexual revolution but whose work radically altered laws in place that protected women and children.
If you don't know who Alfred Kinsey is, you should, and so should everyone you know.
Please watch and share this important episode as if lives depended upon it- because they do.
Read More: https://www.resistancechicks.com/revelation-red-pill-ep26/