Liberty Conspiracy LIVE 9-1-23! Job Numbers Bummers, Immigrant Songs, Drag School Predators!

Liberty Conspiracy LIVE 9-1-23! Job Numbers Bummers, Immigrant Songs, Drag School Predators!
Welcome back, fellow Conspirator for Freedom!
It's Friday, and that's usually our opportunity to not only hit news and dig into long-term lessons we can carry away, but also to devote some time at the close of the show to read a short story for Fiction Friday!
Join us on the news front as we look at the amazing propaganda some "media" figures are spouting when it comes to the new employment report (or is it DEployment of govt-fed weapons to Ukraine?
-- that keep latter keeps rising!), then, we will discuss the amazing immigration "emergency" that some Dems now are claiming exists in MA and NY, even as NYC wants to devote cop time to policing meat servings in restaurants and monitor BBQs this weekend -- via DRONE.
Then, we will get into the stunning info about public schools, drag, trans, and the culture of victimhood, plus a reminder of the dark US involvement in Ukraine!
Watch on Gard's Twitter, @gardgoldsmith, or watch+chat on Rokfin and Rumble!
And please share during the live show or afterwards if you watch later!
Be Seeing You!