
Why Doesn't Child Want to Study? How Not to Kill a Genius in Child? | Psychology. Discovering Truth

Video Credit: Rumble - Published
Why Doesn't Child Want to Study? How Not to Kill a Genius in Child? | Psychology. Discovering Truth

Why Doesn't Child Want to Study? How Not to Kill a Genius in Child? | Psychology. Discovering Truth

In this episode of the project "Psychology.

Discovering the Truth", we’ll talk about education.

Specifically, about the problems in the relationship between parents and children that arise due to education.

To answer many questions on this topic and get an expert point of view directly on the education system, the participants of the project invited a guest – a candidate of pedagogical sciences and, an associate professor.

Thus, in this video of the project "Psychology.

Discovering the Truth", viewers have the opportunity to look at the situation from the perspective of both pedagogy and psychology.

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