REVELATION REDPILL EP28: Healing, Deliverance, & Freedom From Sexual Trauma & Addiction

REVELATION REDPILL EP28: Healing, Deliverance, & Freedom From Sexual Trauma & Addiction
POWERFUL Special Episode!
Healing, Deliverance, & Freedom From Sexual Trauma & Addiction Tonight we are joined by the Resistance Chicks healing ministry team!
Dr. Jason Heydinger, John & Stacey Barnes and Samantha Lendall Join us for a special Revelation Red Pill night of testimonies of freedom, prayer, and healing.
The past 3 weeks we have taken a deep dive into the moral downfall of America perpetuated by a defeated Church that saw current cultural events and shifts towards evil as a sign Jesus was coming back to rapture them out of this world.
Margaret Sanger, Eugenics, Population Control, and the sexual revolution brought in by Alfred Kinsey and the sexualization of children left in his wake have produced 3 generations of broken people in need of healing from childhood trauma and deliverance from sin and addiction they were unwittingly participating in.
If you or a loved one has been a victim of abuse or you are currently in a cycle of addiction you can't seem to break free from, this evening is for you!
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