Front Porch Brunch, Ep. 22 – Meadows Fails, DeSantis Long Knives, Counterculture, & HodgePodge Stew

Front Porch Brunch, Ep. 22 – Meadows Fails, DeSantis Long Knives, Counterculture, & HodgePodge Stew
Please join us this Saturday morning at 10:30 AM EST for the Labor Day Weekend edition of Front Porch Brunch.
This week we will be discussing the following: Mark Meadows failure (for now) to get his case moved to a different venue; how the sniping has begun between Ron DeSantis and those in his campaign orbit for how things are going; a very interesting article The Counter Culture Revolution; and a healthy bowl of HodgePodge Stew (those news items that either are flying under the radar, a little less serious, or both).
Please join us for some lively discussion and a whole lot of fun !!!