
Clown News Networks with Harrison Kakos

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Clown News Networks with Harrison Kakos

Clown News Networks with Harrison Kakos

Today, The Two Mikes spoke with Mr. Harrison Kakos, who is training to be a lawyer.

Mr. Kakos is an Iraqi-Catholic who was born in the United States.

Mr. Kakos expressed his concerns about what appears to many to be the collapse of American society.

He argues that despite the spending of $22 trillion since Lyndon Johnson initiated his "Great Society Plan" and which was to be the masterpiece of prosperity and racial equality.

The plan, however, worked precisely in the opposite direction, with a collapsing economy and racial hatreds being deliberately powered first by  Obama, and now the Biden administration.

In addition, Johnson ushered in what has been nearly 60 years of not-stop U.S. government-started, unnecessary.

And an always lost wars.

In essence, U.S. government policies -- designed to help no one, but only intended to win votes and retain power -- have created the disaster  we are all living today in the United States.

Mr. Kakos also notes -- accurately -- that the United States government policies are responsible for killing millions of foreigners in the name of bringing them democracy, even as the federal government is destroying democracy in America.

We look forward to having Mr. Kakos return for another discussion.


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