DeSantis Slams Trump’s Abortion Comment

DeSantis Slams Trump’s Abortion Comment
DeSantis Slams , Trump’s Abortion Comment.
DeSantis Slams , Trump’s Abortion Comment.
On Sept.
17, former President Donald Trump criticized Florida Gov.
Ron DeSantis for signing a six-week abortion ban back in April.
On Sept.
17, former President Donald Trump criticized Florida Gov.
Ron DeSantis for signing a six-week abortion ban back in April.
What he did is a terrible thing and a terrible mistake, Donald Trump, via NBC's 'Meet the Press'.
Trump went on to suggest that if he was reelected as president, he'd come up with better abortion restrictions that more people would support.
DeSantis responded by calling Trump "a different candidate today than he was" when he first sought the nation's highest office.
I think he's taking positions that I think are different from what he took in 2015 when he first came onto the scene.
, Ron DeSantis, to ABC News Live Prime anchor Linsey Davis.
And I do think he's a different candidate today than he was back then.
And I think the one back then was probably closer to where Republican voters want to be than the latest iteration, Ron DeSantis, to ABC News Live Prime anchor Linsey Davis.
When asked if he thinks Trump is really against abortion, DeSantis replied, "Well, you tell me.".
I think that if you have something where you have a baby that has a detectable heartbeat, if you're pro-life, you would want to say that there should be protections there.
, Ron DeSantis, to ABC News Live Prime anchor Linsey Davis.
And if he's saying, 'That's a terrible thing' -- I know most pro-life voters would think that he's wrong, Ron DeSantis, to ABC News Live Prime anchor Linsey Davis