The Border Crisis We Need? + U.S. Women in Decline + Roseanne's Revival | Brown, MTG, Roseanne Barr

The Border Crisis We Need? + U.S. Women in Decline + Roseanne's Revival | Brown, MTG, Roseanne Barr
International gangster President Zelensky is back in Washington to demand more money, but this time he's finally getting a less-than-worshipful reception: No joint session, no flashy press conference, no being treated as the 2nd Churchill.
Charlie responds to the shift in sentiment among the GOP, and then links it to developments along America's own border, where Texas Gov.
Greg Abbott has taken a big step toward a direct showdown with the Biden regime.
Marjorie Taylor Greene talks the 9/30 funding showdown, where these two issues could come together in decisive fashion.
TPUSA spokeswoman Isabel Brown talks about the promotion of self-destructive, degenerate behaviors among America's women.
And in the third hour, comedy legend Roseanne Barr talks about her career and her road back since the press viciously canceled her for her tweets half a decade ago.