19.10.22. Midweek Musings with FiFi & Sam

19.10.22. Midweek Musings with FiFi & Sam
Midweek Musings with FiFi & Sam.
It's a mad mad mad mad world!!!
🤯 We should not forget that 'order out of chaos' is the M.O.
Of the psychopathic consciousness currently hijacking our perception, so is it really any wonder things seem to be getting more absolutely INSANE by the minute?
It's all part of the plan to have us begging for a saviour from it all (enter stage left) and is a great way to capture our attention and focus (which manifests our collective 'reality') and keep us continually looking outside of ourselves for truth and answers when they can only be found within.
Psy-ops abound but the fact is this entire 'reality' is a psy-op!
When we remember what we are the veil will drop, and that's the only time we will experience that we are and always have been free; we are in fact freedom itself.