#98: It’s Like The Government Is Actively Trying To Keep Us Unhealthy | Til Death Podcast | 9.30.23

#98: It’s Like The Government Is Actively Trying To Keep Us Unhealthy | Til Death Podcast | 9.30.23
Today, we discuss our favorite organic chicken farm, PastureBird, being bought out by Perdue Farms, up there with Tyson Foods as horrible poultry farmers.
As we try to live by the paleo lifestyle as best we can (sometimes we stray, we are only human), this was a big hit to our perception of the family farm company.
We also discuss another healthy living lifestyle company we love, Berkey, suing the EPA to quote “stop its unjustified treatment and perceived persecution of Berkey Water Filters based on the EPA’s decision this year to treat Berkey Water Filters as though they are pesticides, rather than water filters.” We also discuss Hairgel Hitler … ahem … Gavin Newsom raising the minimum wage for fast food workers to $20/hour.
And then we also talk about the TV shows that will be returning now that the Writers Guild of America strike has reached a tentative agreement.