Liberty Conspiracy LIVE 10-20-23! Mid East Mania v Freedom, EV v. Freedom, Eric Peters, Wayne McCroy

Liberty Conspiracy LIVE 10-20-23! Mid East Mania v Freedom, EV v. Freedom, Eric Peters, Wayne McCroy
Welcome, Conspirator!
Tonight, we gather to learn lessons of liberty from the new "back and forth" on the Middle East, with a focus on the subject of colonialism or colonization, we also look at the latest in the "electric vehicle" political scam, and we are joined by guest Eric Peters, of EricPetersAutosDot Com and by podcaster/occult expert, Wayne McCroy!
Watch on Gardner's Twitter @gardgoldsmith or watch+chat on RUMBLE or ROKFIN!!
We start each weeknight, at 6, eastern!
Spread the word and keep supporting liberty!
Be Seeing You!