Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin is set to inaugurate the newly constructed glass fiber bridge that will connect the Vivekananda Rock Memorial to the Thiruvalluvar Statue in Kanyakumari. This 77-meter-long, 10-meter-wide architectural marvel, costing Rs 37 crore, is designed to ensure that visitors can reach the Thiruvalluvar statue even during rough seas and low water levels. The inauguration will be part of a grand celebration that will also highlight Tamil Nadu's rich cultural heritage. With the bridge, tourism in the region is expected to see a major boost, making the statue more accessible than ever.
#MKStalin #ThiruvalluvarStatue #VivekanandaRock #Kanyakumari #GlassFiberBridge #TamilNadu #Tourism #CulturalHeritage #TamilCulture #NewInfrastructure #India
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