
Pro-Hamas Twats Ruin A Christmas Special Featuring Children In Melbourne

Video Credit: Rumble - Duration: 00:24s - Published
Pro-Hamas Twats Ruin A Christmas Special Featuring Children In Melbourne

Pro-Hamas Twats Ruin A Christmas Special Featuring Children In Melbourne

Pro-Palestinian protesters have disrupted Chanel Nine's Carols by Candlelight extravaganza, by storming the stage and snatching the hosts' microphone.

During the broadcast at Melbourne's Sidney Myer Music Bowl, hosts David Campbell and Sarah Abo were drowned out by chants of 'Free Palestine'.

Moments later several demonstrators with Palestinian flags stormed the stage as cameras cut away to a wide shot.

'While you're carolling kids are dying in Gaza!' a voice screamed into the microphone before security dragged her away, along with the other protesters.

A stunned Campbell tried to ease the tense situation as young families watched on in horror.

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