The David Knight Show - 12/26/2023

The David Knight Show - 12/26/2023
Today, on the David Knight Show, Gardner Goldsmith of MRCTV and The Liberty Conspiracy guest hosts and digs into the shocking and downright underhanded manner in which British Kind Charles misstated and warped Christian ethics into a credo for government to take tax money to support immigration and a credo for government to restrict individual freedom as a way to "husband" the Earth God created.
We also look at a recent move to expand a major interstate highway -- the latest manifestation of the mistaken belief that A.
Government should handle roads, B.
That there is a shred of morality in the process of "eminent domain", and C..
That the feds can take land to run "interstate highways." That, plus valuable information on a recent gun-rights decision in the courts, and more indications that the politically-connected want us censored.
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