This Day in History: First Canned Beer Goes on Sale

This Day in History: First Canned Beer Goes on Sale
This Day in History: , First Canned Beer Goes on Sale.
January 24, 1935.
After two years of research, the American Can Company developed a successful can of beer.
The Gottfried Krueger Brewing Company became the first brewer to sell canned beer in the United States.
2,000 cans of Krueger’s Finest Beer and Krueger’s Cream Ale were delivered to Krueger drinkers in Richmond, Virginia.
Within three months, over 80 percent of distributors were handling Krueger’s canned beer.
The big three national brewers — Anheuser-Busch, Pabst and Schlitz — soon followed suit.
By the end of 1935, over 200 million cans had been produced and sold