
Author David Livingstone, One of My Favorite Researchers (Transhumanism, Order Ab Chao)

Video Credit: Rumble - Published
Author David Livingstone, One of My Favorite Researchers (Transhumanism, Order Ab Chao)

Author David Livingstone, One of My Favorite Researchers (Transhumanism, Order Ab Chao)

My viewers are familiar with author, researcher David Livingstone from his book, Transhumanism: The History of a Dangerous Idea.

It seems the transgender love to push the Transhumanism, and I know why.

It has to do with the Mystery Schools, castration and some dark cult practices of Cybil & Ba'al, but that's a description, not an explanation.

David is also the author of the Order Ab Chao book series, and he knows a ton about one of my greatest areas of study, Sabbatean-Frankists and where they have infiltrated.

This is going to be a great talk.

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