Author David Livingstone, One of My Favorite Researchers (Transhumanism, Order Ab Chao)
Video Credit: Rumble - Published
Author David Livingstone, One of My Favorite Researchers (Transhumanism, Order Ab Chao)
My viewers are familiar with author, researcher David Livingstone from his book, Transhumanism: The History of a Dangerous Idea.
It seems the transgender love to push the Transhumanism, and I know why.
It has to do with the Mystery Schools, castration and some dark cult practices of Cybil & Ba'al, but that's a description, not an explanation.
David is also the author of the Order Ab Chao book series, and he knows a ton about one of my greatest areas of study, Sabbatean-Frankists and where they have infiltrated.
This is going to be a great talk.