
Action Radio 4/15/24, As Biden Awaits Instructions from Obama and Xi Jinping...

Video Credit: Rumble - Published
Action Radio 4/15/24, As Biden Awaits Instructions from Obama and Xi Jinping...

Action Radio 4/15/24, As Biden Awaits Instructions from Obama and Xi Jinping...

Obama instructed Biden to lift all sanctions on Iran, now Iran has billions and is funding terrorists like Hamas and Hezbollah in Syria who just attacked Israel.

Obama tells Biden to tell Israel that any response by Israel will be met with reduced or eliminated defense and economic support.

So here we are.

And this is on top of Obama instructing Biden to surrender in Afghanistan and leave $85 Billion in weapons to the Taliban.

Was the latest attack on Israel, 99% of which was repelled, a test, or an attrition move to deplete Israeli defenses that won't be replaced?

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