
Covidiot Chris Cuomo Eats Crow

Video Credit: Rumble - Published
Covidiot Chris Cuomo Eats Crow

Covidiot Chris Cuomo Eats Crow

Join us for a LIVE #Deprogrammed with Keri Smith on Monday, May 13th at 1pm CST.

We're talking about Chris Cuomo, notorious Covidiot and mass progagandist, responsible for helping coerce masses of people into the jab, responsible for shaming anyone who took ivermectin - NOW ADMITTING vaccine injuries, the effectiveness and safeness of ivermectin, and more.

Does he apologize?

Does he own up to his moral and intellectual failings as a human and "journalist?" What about the other Covidiots now realizing they got played?

What about the ones like Cuomo, who actively took part in the shaming and bullying with relish?

Join us at 1pm CST on Deprogrammed with Keri Smith.

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