
UAP Crossfire - Operation Overlords

Video Credit: Rumble - Published
UAP Crossfire - Operation Overlords

UAP Crossfire - Operation Overlords

On the anniversary of the Allied landing in France by air and sea, join us on UAP Crossfire for a discussion on Karl Nell, Colonel US Army-RET on his disclosure of recovered extraterrestrial technology, ET Aliens life on earth, and his various presentations.

A couple of the hosts find his presentations very credible.

Additionally discussion of Decker's latest paper on the CIA Database and history related by Ralph McGehee, CIA Officer 52-77.

Some incredible Decker history to review - As Samual Clements (aka Mark Twain) said "History does not repeat, but it often rhymes .... It has been a while for all of us to rally up - please join us.

On behalf of my fellow hosts, "the greatest audience on the planet" please join us.

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