
TETSU: RTTU S2E20 with special guest Drago Reid

Video Credit: Rumble - Published
TETSU: RTTU S2E20 with special guest Drago Reid

TETSU: RTTU S2E20 with special guest Drago Reid

Join Michael Kopf as he welcomes Drago Reid to Riding Through the Unknown.

Drago Reid is a Dolores Cannon, Level 2 (QHHT) Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique - Past Life Regressionist and Regressive Hypnotist.

Through this technique, he is able to take the average, everyday person to the "somnambulistic" state of Trance, the deepest level of an altered state that exists within the human mind, through simple visualizations and colors, to obtain unlimited amounts of information for the client.

This is the part of the mind that allows the experiencer to directly visit and time travel to view multiple, past, future and parallel lives, where they experience it first hand with their own eyes, from very common Earth lives, to mind blowing extraterrestrial lives, other worldly existences, in between life incarnations.

This technique also gives the client the faculty to access higher and hidden knowledge, other dimensional realities, blocked memories and unlocks the pathway to access and view all your lives going all the way back to Source.

This technique also allows the person to go back in time to the past of their current life if necessary, to re-witness traumatic events that created trauma or PTSD, viewing it from a non-emotional point of view, where through the process of suggestion, immediately remove the emotional reaction from the event, in order to see it and understand it from a higher understanding, guided directly and explained from the Higher Self, or Subconscious, whatever label you would like to put on it, in order to permanently heal, rehabilitate and integrate these past traumatic moments to find closure.

The technique is also used to heal physical pain, injuries, drug use, emotional issues, disease, cancer, recover memories and deal with countless other inflictions permanently, in a single session.

Drago has performed over 800 regressions.

Drago is a polymath, an adept researcher and a deep dive investigator with over 25 years years of study in the fields of ufology, astrobiology, exobiology, exopolitics, consciousness, quantum physics & quantum mechanics; philosophy; the Holographic Universe and the Cosmic Web; pre-written history, the real suppressed history of the Earth, galactic history; extraterrestrial life and abductions, the Military Industrial Complex (MIC), classified government programs; secret societies like the Illuminati, the Freemasons and controlling bloodlines; the study of Common, Constitutional, and Admiralty law; Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and Trauma-based mind control programs. Drago is a Secret Space Program (SSP) black ops experiencer, MILAB abductee, and is a lifelong experiencer of the Monarch/MK-ULTRA program.

He is a Project MK-ULTRA trauma deprogrammer within groups like the “Family”, Kruger, Nacht Waffen/Dark Fleet, and other Secret Space Program's (SSP), dealing directly with program assets, sex trafficking and assault victims, MILAB’s, alters, Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), the reintegration of those alters, identifying or removing screened memories.

He studies ancient civilizations involving the Anunnaki, Lemurian, Atlantean, Egyptian, Babylonian, Mesopotamian, Catholic & Roman empires & is a store house of esoteric, occult, & gnostic knowledge.

Drago is also a historical artifact collector & dealer.

Due to a major motorcycle accident in 2005 from crashing violently into a wall at 120 miles per hour, Drago had a Near Death Experience (NDE) & an Out of Body Experience (OBE), totaling two in this lifetime, breaking numerous bones & suffering substantial brain damage to the parietal & occipital lobe of his brain, including his Reticular Activation System (RAS), the the visual processing center of the brain, inadvertently rewiring his neurons giving him unexpected side effects.

He developed numerous cognitive upgrades including a dramatic boost in IQ, claircognizance, clairaudience, precognition, high probability prediction as he can process numerous scenarios in a 100th of a second, His legal diagnosis is 'Traumatic Brain Injury - Post Amnesic Disorder with Retrograde Amnesia and a form of Savant Syndrome'.

He is also a full time tattoo artist and body piercer since 2001 working in Tampa, Florida.

Check out his podcast “The Rebel Collective” with co-host Laura Eisenhower on

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