Another Manhunt Underway For Person Who Left Tire Marks On Pride Mural

Another Manhunt Underway For Person Who Left Tire Marks On Pride Mural
Posted • June 16, 2024: Another Manhunt Underway for Person Who Left Tire Marks on Pride Mural 一 Here's the pride crosswalk in Huntington, West Virginia.
It's quite the production.
This pride crosswalk just went up in Huntington, WV.
If you dare drive or scooter on this public road and leave marks you can be arrested and face felony charges.
But you’re allowed to vandalize American Monuments and nothing will happen to you.
Https:// -- Huntington hired a company to put up surveillance cameras around the mural.
That didn't save it, though.
Barely 24 hours after the pride mural in Huntington, WV was painted on the road there are tire marks on it.
The Left is calling it “bullying.” It’s almost as if that’s what happens when cars drive on public roads… How long until some teens are facing felony charges?