Welfare Check, STAT: Watch Joy Reid Have An ABSOLUTELY DELUSIONAL MELTDOWN Over Democrat Party Drama
Welfare Check, STAT: Watch Joy Reid Have An ABSOLUTELY DELUSIONAL MELTDOWN Over Democrat Party Drama
Posted • July 9, 2024: Well, Biden's plan to divide his party and use black voters and supporters against the 'elite' Democrats who are calling for his ouster as the nominee is going according to plan, it seems. Not only did Rep.
Steven Horsford say criticizing Biden's cognitive abilities is 'ableism' on CNN, Joy Reid has gone completely off the rails.
Joy Reid has a meltdown over "rich, white, elected Democrats" turning on Biden.
Gotta love when leftists eat their own.
🍿 Let us make some more popcorn.
Her argument that this is to 'feed the media thirst for Democrats in disarray' stories is hilarious.
The media are the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party.
This disarray is killing them.
And surging economy?
High-tech jobs?
She's out of her mind.
But we say let them fight.