Dr. David Martin nails it...

Dr. David Martin nails it...
"My life is not mine.
My life is in service to the mission that I was put here to do.
And every single one of the temptations that people have ever made, every one of the threats, every one of those experiences comes down to a simple thing.
You can't take from me what I can't give you...My mission is not my mission.
It is a mission in which I'm playing my role.
And each one of us, if we actually take that position in our life there is no temptation that's even interesting because the only thing that I live for is hearing the following words at the very last breath: "Well done good and faithful servant.
I entrusted you with a little and you made more."...Our reward is not our palaces, not gold streets, not anything.
Our reward is to hear our name, David, well done.
That's it.
And you can put a fork in me and I'm done."