
Action Radio 7/11/24, Psychiatrist Dr. Carole Lieberman - Dementia, Obsession, and the Bidens.

Video Credit: Rumble - Published
Action Radio 7/11/24, Psychiatrist Dr. Carole Lieberman - Dementia, Obsession, and the Bidens.

Action Radio 7/11/24, Psychiatrist Dr. Carole Lieberman - Dementia, Obsession, and the Bidens.

This is going to be a fascinating third hour.

Dr. Lieberman was on before and confirmed my hypothesis that Dr. Fascist, the Clintons, Barack Obama, Chris Wray, Merrick Garland, and all the Leftist true believers in absolute power - are all psychopaths.

That was fascinating!

Now she's back to explain what we all knew, that Joe has dementia and possibly Parkinson's, Jill is an elder abuser of the worst kind who is obsessed with staying in the White House by any means necessary, and then there is our theory of Anthony Bernal, Jill's "work husband" who we think is having a secret affair with our Jill.

Let's ask Dr. Lieberman, shall we?

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