Russia's Big Win In Kursk: Ukranian Forces Leave Battle Midway From One More Town As 400 Killed

Russia's Big Win In Kursk: Ukranian Forces Leave Battle Midway From One More Town As 400 Killed
Russian armed forces have successfully liberated another settlement in the kursk direction, marking a significant victory in the ongoing conflict.
According to major general apty alaudinov, commander of the akhmat special force, russia is making strong advancements, with the enemy being destroyed daily by all available forces.
Units from the 810th brigade have taken control of a settlement and are continuing mop-up operations, holding the line while neutralizing enemy forces.
#RussianArmedForces #KurskLiberation #MajorGeneralAptyAlaudinov #AkhmatSpecialForce #810thBrigade #RussiaGainsGround #EnemyDestroyed #MopUpOperations #KurskDirection #UkrainianArmy #TankDestroyed #ArmoredVehiclesDestroyed #MilitaryAdvancement #RussianVictory #SettlementCaptured #CombatOperations #KurskWar #MilitaryStrategy #RussianOffensive #ArmyTactics #RussiaVsUkraine #MilitaryConflict #BattlefieldReport #PrisonerExchange #Moscow #Kiev #WarUpdate #MilitaryNews #BlackSeaFleet #FrontlineAction #RussianMilitarySuccess #DefenseOperations #UkrainianLosses #WarProgress #CombatVictory #TASSReport #TroopSwap #MilitaryForce #GroundAssault #EnemyNeutralization #SettlementSecured #WarIntensifies #RussianStrategy #TankBattle #WarVehicles #MilitaryEngagement #FrontlineVictory #Kursk ~PR.320~ED.101~HT.334~