Derek Prince on The Tragic William Branham Life Story

Derek Prince on The Tragic William Branham Life Story
Derek Prince speaks on the Tragic William Branham Life Story.
He tell about the life and ministry of the controversial figure William Branham.
Derek Prince was good friends with Gordon Lindsay and Ern Baxter who worked with William Branham for many years.
They told Derek that "I had to come to the conclusion that their were two spirits in William Branham.
One was the spirit of God and one was not".
In spite of William Branham prophetic ministry and many other giftings, he died in a car accident and was killed by a drunk driver.
William Branham is considered to have one of the greatest prophetic ministries in modern times.
Although he had a bunch of apocalyptic prophetic words that did not come to pass.
Derek Prince explains that William Branham left behind a bunch of followers who were a cult.
A sad group of believers.
This can all be attributed to the mixture of the holy spirit and demonic spirits working in William Branham's life.
With a mixture like that the bad will eventually out weight the good.
William Branham life and ministry should be a lesson to the modern day charismatic movement to stay on the straight and narrow with god regardless of your gifting.
Many people in the charismatic circles use him as an example but i want to caution you in doing that.
Out of William Branham ministry came Paul Cain who was another controversial and troubled figure in the Charismatic and Pentecostal movements.
A lot of bad fruits in both of their ministries.
If you would like to know more about the life of William Branham you can read the book Gods Generals by Robert Liardon who covers his life in great detail.
Roberts Liardon also has videos about him on You Tube.