
Int 862 with Marisa Pinkarisa an independent journalist and activist

Video Credit: Rumble - Published
Int 862 with Marisa Pinkarisa an independent journalist and activist

Int 862 with Marisa Pinkarisa an independent journalist and activist

Marisa Pinkarisa is an Arizona based esthetician and makeup artist, former influencer turned independent journalist and activist.

She has been doing research for 20 years, the last 10 going deep into every topic she can think of.

Her former facebook, Instagram and YouTube where she had over 20k subscribers was deleted in 2020 and she has become one of the most shadowbanned people on the internet telling her she is over the target with information.

In 2020, she also began making posters warning people co vid was a psyop and not to take the experimental vac cines.

This is when she began her first telegram where she has been collecting and sharing evidence on the fraud of co vid and what the injections were designed for as well as world news.

She went against the schoolboards to fight insane co vid mandates as well as other agencies to fight the ridiculous restrictions being implied locally.

She has a channel on chemtrails where she shares evidence of geo engineering and weather modification.

She became aware of false flag school shootings during Uv alde, and has a channel collecting and sharing evidence on Uv alde and all fake school and fake shootings.

While doing research, she also learned information in regards to ear biometrics, and while listening to a Dua Lipa song, began to receive downloads pertaining to eliete gender inversion, which is her main topic of teaching and shring at this point in time.

This is starting to go mainstream with the coined term "tran svestigation." Marisa has been a leading voice in uncovering the gender inversion, learns studies and teaches tools to help others see and uncover this vast deception while exposing the illuminati and other secret societies.

She has taught thousands of people these tools!

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